unlock homeownership dreams half a million canadians join the first home savings account program 12


Unlock Homeownership Dreams: Half a Million Canadians Join the First-Home Savings Account Program


Michael Chen

April 1, 2024 - 10:17 am


Navigating the First-Home Savings Account: Understanding the Roadmap to Homeownership

A New Gateway to Property Ladder for Canadians

Since its inception on April 1, 2023, the First-Home Savings Account (FHSA) has garnered significant attention, drawing in over half a million participants in its initial year. This novel program targets prospective homeowners, aiming to alleviate the financial burden of saving for a home’s down payment. Yet, despite its rising popularity, financial specialists assert that heightened public awareness could unlock its benefits to an even broader audience.

The FHSA, designed exclusively for individuals who have not possessed a home in the last four years, encourages saving with attractive fiscal incentives. Participants can allocate up to $8,000 per annum to their account, with a lifetime ceiling of $40,000. These contributions boast tax-deductibility akin to those made towards a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). Furthermore, similar to a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), the interest earned within a FHSA is not subject to taxes.

Cindy Marques, a certified financial planner and director at Open Access Ltd., appraised the program's inaugural year as exceedingly effective, evidenced by the satisfaction of clients utilizing these accounts. In her dialogue with, Marques highlighted the boon of the FHSA, stating, "It's a remarkable strategy to incentivize Canadians to accumulate funds for a home purchase, replete with superior tax advantages."

Monetary Incentives Within Reach

While Marques acknowledged that the $40,000 down payment assistance may not cover the entire cost in today's market, she underscored its significance as a considerable step upwards from the home buyer's plan.

In an enthusiastic address, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland revealed that, within a mere nine months after launching, more than 500,000 Canadians had embraced the FHSA. Freeland expressed, "That is more than half a million Canadians who are one step closer to possessing those first keys of their own, embracing concrete, practical steps to realize the dream of first-time homeownership."

Misconceptions and Eligibility Confusions

Despite the evident uptake, experts like Marques believe that the numbers could be higher if individuals had a clearer understanding of the program's advantages and eligibility prerequisites. She pointed out that a general unawareness regarding the specifics of various financial accounts persists, noting, "It's unsurprising that many recognize the acronym but lack comprehension on its operations, eligibilities, and attractions."

One common misunderstanding identified by Marques pertains to the term "first home," which deters several Canadians who have previously owned a property from considering themselves eligible. She clarified that the FHSA is indeed available to those who haven't owned a home in the four years leading up to the application.

Marques elucidated, "Even current homeowners can qualify in four years’ time as first-time buyers if they sell their residence and neither they nor their common-law partners possess another."

The Banking Sector's Response and Questrade's Pioneer Move

Questrade, the sole finance institution to offer FHSAs from day one, experienced an “unprecedented demand” for this service. Chief journey officer at Questrade, Rob Galaski, indicated that tens of thousands have already opened accounts with them, signaling a profound interest among younger Canadians aspiring homeownership.

Galaski disclosed that early account holders averaged contributions of about $5,300 within the first three months, suggesting there was a suppressed demand waiting to be discharged. He observed, "The statistics reflect the eagerness for those who grasped its value – there was manifestly a pent-up demand."

Questrade continues to notice significant internet traffic directed towards its learning resources, suggesting Canadians are still eager to understand the FHSA. Galaski emphasized the importance of empowering Canadians with knowledge about the account to make willful financial decisions concerning homeownership.

Yet, he remains cautious, deeming it premature to proclaim the program an out-and-out success: "It’s still too soon to tout the accounts wholeheartedly since the full outcomes are yet to be observed. Nonetheless, it's evident that the groundwork has been laid for what promises to be a hopeful journey ahead."

As of November, every major Canadian bank had embraced the FHSA. Both the National Bank of Canada and the Royal Bank of Canada reported positive client feedback regarding the account.

A spokesperson from RBC applauded the impressive uptake, stating, "Last summer, we deemed the initial reception to RBC FHSAs as phenomenal, and this trend holds steadfast today. Presenting FHSAs via our two digital investing platforms has truly resonated with Canadians looking to save and invest for their first home, especially among those aged 25 to 34."

Potential for Policy Enhancements

While the FHSA presents promising opportunities, experts like Marques see room for advancement by addressing the rollover limitation. Currently, Canadians can contribute an annual maximum of $8,000, and any unutilized contribution space rolls over into the subsequent year, capped at an additional $8,000.

Marques advocated for an unlimited rollover allowance, provided that the accumulated rollover does not exceed $8,000 per active account year. She expounded, "It's a pity to potentially forfeit contribution space. Individuals might encounter periods of disrupted cash flow, maybe due to starting a family or other reasons, inhibiting their capability to maximize annual contributions. However, they might possess sufficient funds to do so in a future year."

Her proposed improvement aims to prevent the loss of contribution space over the 15-year period following the account's inception, thus fostering an environment that encourages continual savings for prospective homeowners, even amidst financial fluctuations.

Conclusion: A Stepping Stone to Homeownership

As the First-Home Savings Account charts its trajectory, the compelling number of early adopters suggests a keen interest in leveraging this financial resource to bridge the gap to owning a home. This initiative represents not just a savings plan but an embodiment of hope for many Canadians – a tangible commitment to one of life's fundamental aspirations, homeownership.

By fine-tuning the mechanisms of the FHSA and amplifying educational outreach, both financial institutions and policy makers can unlock the fullest potential of this program. The entire narrative projected by the FHSA presents a crystal-clear message: strategic savings, supported by fiscal advantages, pave a surer path to acquiring one's first home.

With over 500,000 Canadians having placed their trust in the FHSA, it becomes manifest that a well-informed and financially empowered populace can transform their residential aspirations into reality. As this transformative program evolves, it continues to symbolize a beacon for future homeowners, illuminating a financial pathway that's prudent, within reach, and beneficial in the long term.